Gsad service Error Kali linux

i tried alot and ive been looking up this problem up for hours and cant find a solution to this Error

Step 7: Checking if GVM services are up and running ... 
        Starting gvmd service
        Waiting for gvmd service
        OK: gvmd service is active.
        Starting gsad service
        Waiting for gsad service
        ERROR: gsad service did not start.
        Please check journalctl -xe and /var/log/gvm/gsad.log

when i look up what went wrong in /var/log/gvm/gsad.log i get this

gsad main:CRITICAL:2024-01-13 18h00.47 utc:2646: main: Could not load private SSL key from /var/lib/gvm/private/CA>
gsad main:MESSAGE:2024-01-13 18h00.47 utc:2650: Starting GSAD version 22.08.0~git

please Help

Sorry, I should reword my previous response. Can you provide your system information, version of Kali, and installation method? The error you are seeing is not normal since the Kali install scripts create the SSL/TLS certificate and put it into the correct location.

I verified the built-in Kali native package installation and it is working fine for me.