GSA Version 24.0.1

GSA Version 24.0.1 brings a slightly more modern look to the interface, and it does not take too long to get acquainted to it.

Happy - Thanks all!


And thank you Martin, we are very glad to hear it. :slight_smile:


Indeed, thank you for your feedback!

This is pretty much fresh out of the oven and there may be some changes and improvments still incoming. If you notice any issues please let us know at Issues · greenbone/gsa · GitHub!


Is GSA Version 24.0.1 ready to test? how to download?

I can’t find any version available post V22.4.1 . Please advise.


GSA 24.01 is available to build from source here: Release gsa 24.0.1 · greenbone/gsa · GitHub

It should also be available on our Greenbone Community Containers: Greenbone Community Containers - Greenbone Community Documentation

It is not available in our commercial Greenbone Enterprise Appliance products yet, but will be with an upcoming release soon.

I don’t know the state of and I cannot say when external distributions like Kali Linux will adopt it.


Hi Martin

Just to let you guys know, I am running into the problem reported at GSA 23.2.0 and GSA 23.1.1 doesn't show the menu bar as expected · Issue #4108 · greenbone/gsa · GitHub (i.e. limited/no menu links) after installation of Greenbone/Openvas following the official installation manual at Building from Source - Greenbone Community Documentation with GSA_VERSION=23.2.1 and GSAD_VERSION=22.11.0.

I then tried installing directly from github gsa version 24.1.0 and gsad version 24.1.0, with same results, i.e. menus are empty/nonexisting.

When entering the missing links directly into the browser, like /users, /feedstatus, /scanconfigs, /tasks, etc. it is all there functioning correctly!

I have already added a comment to the aforementioned issue on Github.
My system is Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS.