Greenbone-nvt-sync doesn't work with subscription key


After we’ve upgraded from 21.4 to 22.4 I noticed that greenbone-nvt-sync doesn’t work anymore with the Security Feed.
According to logs, it still works fine with Community Feed, but after installing the SSH identity to /etc/gvm/gsf-access-key, greenbone-nvt-sync reports:

# sudo -u gvm greenbone-nvt-sync
<28>Feb 10 12:32:27 greenbone-nvt-sync: The log facility is not working as expected. All messages will be written to the standard error stream.
<29>Feb 10 12:32:27 greenbone-nvt-sync: Synchronizing NVTs from the Greenbone Security Feed into /var/lib/openvas/plugins...
<29>Feb 10 12:32:27 greenbone-nvt-sync: Current status: Using Greenbone Community Feed at version 202302061011 (84290 NVTs)
Warning: Permanently added '[[](]/):24,[]:24' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to the:
Greenbone Security Feed Server
rsync: link_stat "/feed//vulnerability-feed/22.04/vt-data/nasl/." failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1819) [Receiver=3.2.3]
<27>Feb 10 12:32:28 greenbone-nvt-sync: rsync failed, aborting synchronization.

It turned out that remote directory /feed/vulnerability-feed/ requested by greenbone-nvt-sync doesn’t exist. Is this an expected behaviour? If so, how we can take advantage of our subscription and carry on with using OpenVAS built from sources?

Thank you

I’ve managed to figure out the root cause by myself.

Our subscription key is an base64-armored SSH Identity file with extra first line, containing a URL to the Security Feed, like:


The subscription key was issued last summer, but since then directory layout of server has been changed and now it is /enterprise/, not /feed/.

So I changed first line of the key file from gsf$ to gsf$ and everything works fine now.

That key is NOT intended to be used with a uncoordinated installation. Only with Greenbone Appliances it works without any issues and with support.