Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL 22.04.6 (Oracle VirtualBox 7.0) -> The Feed Server is not reachable

I have installed ‘Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL’ (22.04.6) on Oracle VirtualBox (7.0).

When I start the ‘Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL’, I get the following error message:

'The Feed Server is not reachable. Check your network and firewall configuration.

At Network I have configured ‘NAT Network’

Does anyone know how I can fix this error?

Thank you for your support.


Try to use bridge mode and not NAT.

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for your reply. I have set Network setting on ‘Bridged Adapter’, but it still does not work.

When I start ‘Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL’ and login, I get this errors:

Any idea, how to solve?

Did you followed the suggestions ?

Does did your appliance get a IP and has this IP access to the feed server ?

Please do not hard power the appliance off, you need to shut it down …

Hi Lukas,

I’m very new in this topic.

1.) How can I verify, if my appliance get an IP and if the IP has access to the feed server?

2.) When I try to terminate the appliance I do get only the 3 choises of VirtualBox. If I select ‘Send the shutdown signal’, nothing happens. How can I shut down it?

Use the GSM Menu to shut down that virtual appliance.

I guess if you hard power it off, you might damaged the filesystem. I suggest a new install and try to avoid hard power off.

You can use the GSM Menu to check for your assigned bridged IP address.

Please ensure the RSYNC is allowed via your Firewall. If you are not knowing how to do that ask your Firewall Administrator.

If you don´t get a 2nd IP via the Bridge, your Admin needs to change your switch port and disable “access limits”.

Hi Lukas,

I was able to solve the problem. It was not due to “hard power off”, the file system was not damaged.

The reason I didn’t have network access was, because I was in the company network and the Firewall was denying me access to the internet.

Now I have an ADSL connection and I can download the Greenbone Feeds.

Thank you very much for your support.