Get_scans scan_id="[wildcard]" - possible?

How can one get a list of all uuids which can be accessed by gvm-cli get_scans

Hi dear Community,
I have a small question, I need to get reports from scans by gvm-tools. As the get_reports command has been removed the get_scans command is the one to use. So you need always an uuid to get a particullar scan which is pretty annoying when you may just want to gather all results on bulk.
So when I do a like:

gvm@gvmd:/$ gvm-cli --protocol OSP socket --sockpath /var/run/ospd/ospd.sock --xml ‘<get_scans scan_id=“44559a03-857c-40ce-aa87-912868e72217” />’
Response Error 404. Failed to find scan ‘44559a03-857c-40ce-aa87-912868e72217’

I always get the above mentioned error. So is there a way to get just all reports, or in this case scans which are available? Are there any wildcards which can be used?
This question is may stupid but I searched google, api documentation and all other stuff regarding this topic but didn’t find anything regarding this…

The general issue behind this: i am missing some stuff, please have a look at the help page, there are a lot of commands which don’t appear:

<help_response status="200" status_text="OK">   help                   Print the commands help.
      format                 Help format. Could be text or xml.
    get_version            Return various version information
    get_performance        Return system report
      start                  Time of first data point in report.
      end                    Time of last data point in report.
      title                  Name of report.
    get_scanner_details    Return scanner description and parameters
    delete_scan            Delete a finished scan.
      scan_id                ID of scan to delete.
    get_vts                List of available vulnerability tests.
      vt_id                  ID of a specific vulnerability test to get.
      filter                 Optional filter to get an specific vt collection.
    stop_scan              Stop a currently running scan.
      scan_id                ID of scan to stop.
    get_scans              List the scans in buffer.
      scan_id                ID of a specific scan to get.
      details                Whether to return the full scan report.
      pop_results            Whether to remove the fetched results.
      max_results            Maximum number of results to fetch.
    start_scan             Start a new scan.
      target                 Target host to scan
      ports                  Ports list to scan
      scan_id                Optional UUID value to use as scan ID
      parallel               Optional nummer of parallel target to scan
        debug_mode             Whether to get extra scan debug information.
        dry_run                Whether to dry run scan.
        auto_enable_dependencies Automatically enable the plugins that are depended on
        cgi_path               Look for default CGIs in /cgi-bin and /scripts
        checks_read_timeout    Number  of seconds that the security checks will wait for when doing a recv()
        non_simult_ports       Prevent to make two connections on the same given ports at the same time.
        open_sock_max_attempts Number of unsuccessful retries to open the socket before to set the port as closed.
        timeout_retry          Number of retries when a socket connection attempt timesout.
        optimize_test          By default, optimize_test is enabled which means openvas does trust the remote host banners and is only launching plugins against the services they have been designed to check. For example it will check a web server claiming to be IIS only for IIS related flaws but will skip plugins testing for Apache flaws, and so on. This default behavior is used to optimize the scanning performance and to avoid false positives. If you are not sure that the banners of the remote host have been tampered with, you can disable this option.
        plugins_timeout        This is the maximum lifetime, in seconds of a plugin.
        safe_checks            Disable the plugins with potential to crash the remote services
        scanner_plugins_timeout Like plugins_timeout, but for ACT_SCANNER plugins.
        time_between_request   Allow to set a wait time between two actions (open, send, close).
        expand_vhosts          Whether to expand the target hosts list of vhosts with values gathered from sources such as reverse-lookup queries and VT checks for SSL/TLS certificates.
        test_empty_vhost       If  set  to  yes, the scanner will also test the target by using empty vhost value in addition to the targets associated vhost values.
        max_hosts              The maximum number of hosts to test at the same time which should be given to the client (which can override it). This value must be computed given your bandwidth, the number of hosts you want to test, your amount of memory and the performance of your processor(s).
        max_checks             The number of plugins that will run against each host being tested. Note that the total number of process will be max checks x max_hosts so you need to find a balance between these two options. Note that launching too many plugins at the same time may disable the remote host, either temporarily (ie: inetd closes its ports) or definitely (the remote host crash because it is asked to do too many things at the same time), so be careful.
        port_range             This is the default range of ports that the scanner plugins will probe. The syntax of this option is flexible, it can be a single range ("1-1500"), several ports ("21,23,80"), several ranges of ports ("1-1500,32000-33000"). Note that you can specify UDP and TCP ports by prefixing each range by T or U. For instance, the following range will make openvas scan UDP ports 1 to 1024 and TCP ports 1 to 65535 : "T:1-65535,U:1-1024".
        test_alive_hosts_only  If this option is set, openvas will scan the target list for alive hosts in a separate process while only testing those hosts which are identified as alive. This boosts the scan speed of target ranges with a high amount of dead hosts significantly.
        source_iface           Name of the network interface that will be used as the source of connections established by openvas. The scan won't be launched if the value isn't authorized according to (sys_)ifaces_allow / (sys_)ifaces_deny if present.
        ifaces_allow           Comma-separated list of interfaces names that are authorized as source_iface values.
        ifaces_deny            Comma-separated list of interfaces names that are not authorized as source_iface values.
        hosts_allow            Comma-separated list of the only targets that are authorized to be scanned. Supports the same syntax as the list targets. Both target hostnames and the address to which they resolve are checked. Hostnames in hosts_allow list are not resolved however.
        hosts_deny             Comma-separated list of targets that are not authorized to be scanned. Supports the same syntax as the list targets. Both target hostnames and the address to which they resolve are checked. Hostnames in hosts_deny list are not resolved however.
    get_memory_usage       print the memory consumption of all processes
      unit                   Unit for displaying memory consumption (b = bytes, kb = kilobytes, mb = megabytes). Defaults to b.



Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 20.08.0
Manager DB revision 233

OSP 1.2
OSPd OpenVAS20.8.1
openvasOpenVAS 20.8.0202011181159</get_version_response>

If you run this command without an ID and filter="rows=-1" or max_results=x you should get all available scans?

Hi there, thanks for the response, I get the following:

gvm-cli --protocol OSP socket --sockpath /var/run/ospd/ospd.sock --xml '<get_scans filter="rows=-1" 
Response Error 400. No scan_id attribute`


<get_scans filter="max_results=x" />'
Response Error 400. No scan_id attribute

seems to be mandatory…

@y0urself you are mixing GMP and OSP. @kramer is trying to get all running scans from the ospd-openvas scanner directly instead of asking gvmd via GMP.

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Sorry I tried to use the python-gvm equivalent to get_scans …

Yes, scan_id is mandatory. You are not able to get a list of all current scans. The documentation is outdated. I will fix it soon.

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okay, thanks a lot so far, we can close this now!

Thanks all you guys!