Hello, I installed GSA following these instructions:
my problem:
When I install the feeds updates as GVM user:
greenbone-feed-sync --type GVMD_DATA
greenbone-feed-sync --type SCAP
greenbone-feed-sync --type CERT
run through without errors and download the latest feeds.
But I don’t see any new feeds in GSA under feed status.
GVM versions:
gsad: (‘gsad --version’) Greenbone Security Assistant 20.08.0~git-17a736a39-gsa-20.08
gvmd: (‘gvmd --version’) Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 20.08.0~git-0754740a-gvmd-20.08
openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 20.8.0 gvm-libs 20.8.0~git-3597093-gvm-libs-20.08
**Operating system: ubuntu 20.04 LTE
Kernel: (‘uname -a’) 5.4.0-52-generic
Installation method / source: https://www.mikeslab.net/?p=631