Export Closed cves data

Hi all,
i would like to known if it’s possible to get closed CVEs data using get.reports function in order to download it
this is my environments

GVM versions

gsad: (‘gsad --version’)
Greenbone Security Assistant 21.4.4

gvmd: (‘gvmd --version’)
Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 21.4.5
Manager DB revision 242
Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Greenbone Networks GmbH
License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

openvas-scanner: (‘openvas --version’, in older GVM versions < 11: ‘openvassd --version’)
OpenVAS 21.4.4
gvm-libs 21.4.4
Most new code since 2005: (C) 2021 Greenbone Networks GmbH
Nessus origin: (C) 2004 Renaud Deraison deraison@nessus.org
License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


Operating system:
ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Kernel: (‘uname -a’)
Linux td-openvas-s1 5.4.0-89-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 24 14:50:10 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Installation method / source:
Setup from source

Welcome to the community @Mirko.

To get this right: Are you currently trying to use the python-gvm API / gvm-tools and the function get_reports()?

Thanks for your prompt replya @y0urself, i use a python script where i define this in order to export data in csv format

reportscv = gmp.get_report(report_id=reportID, report_format_id=reportFormatID, ignore_pagination=True, details=True)

if you need, i can pass all python code in order to clarify

Hi, anyone knonw if it’s possible to export closed CVE?