Download delta report with gvm-tools

Hello, good afternoon everyone. I am successfully running the report download scripts from Greenbone, which can be found at gvm-tools/scripts at main · greenbone/gvm-tools · GitHub. The command I executed is:

sudo -u _gvm gvm-script --gmp-username USERWEBINTERFACE --gmp-password PASSWORD \
socket --socketpath /run/gvmd/gvmd.sock /gvm-tools/scripts/ 5c181ee3-9fc3-4323-b690-6fcca8123deb /tmp/test.pdf

Everything is working correctly. What I want to ask is how I can download a delta report, for example, for the following ID: 5c181ee3-9fc3-4323-b690-6fcca8123deb/30ee5038-b61b-450b-b12d-9026bbc97050. The script above does not allow me to do this, and I couldn’t find any way to download a delta report in forums or documentation.