Does 'Boreas ' works in openvas-scanner?

hi, everyone.

I discovered Boreas is a command line tool to scan for alive hosts in repository. However, I haven’t found any traces of usage about Boreas in logs.

Do anyone kown where it used and what is used in oenvas scanner for scanning alive hosts? nmap nasl?

Please see:

Nowadays this should be enabled by default, but if you want to make sure, you can double check the corresponding configuration file /etc/openvas/openvas.conf.


Thanks for your relpay.

you can find openvas.log file the following logs. If you see this logs, it is enabled.

libgvm boreas:MESSAGE:2023-11-23 13h08.48 utc:1058692:86af8ba7-7c42-49ac-8698-1b8def15bdf4: Alive scan 86af8ba7-7c42-49ac-8698-1b8def15bdf4 started: Target has 1 hosts
libgvm boreas:MESSAGE:2023-11-23 13h08.49 utc:1058692:86af8ba7-7c42-49ac-8698-1b8def15bdf4: Alive scan 86af8ba7-7c42-49ac-8698-1b8def15bdf4 finished in 1 seconds: 1 alive hosts of 1.

Alternatively, you can check the openvas configuration with openvas -s .

Best regards.