Disconnected with "...&cmd=get_license" error


We are running greenbone-community-edition containers. Everything seems to be fine, but from time to time I get disconnected from the webiface. When checking the browser dev tools, I get a 401 http error with “token=something-something-something-something-something&cmd=get_license” as URI; and I have to admit I’m not sure what’s going on.

I’m pretty sure to be using the correct docker images (installed following the official howto using the “setup and start script”), and when checking the running container; it seems to confirm I’m running the correct ones:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS             PORTS                    NAMES
6230f8d98339   greenbone/mqtt-broker           "/bin/sh -c 'mosquit…"   7 days ago    Up About an hour>1883/tcp   greenbone-community-edition_mqtt-broker_1
3f7b8425d1f5   greenbone/redis-server          "/bin/sh -c 'rm -f /…"   7 days ago    Up About an hour                            greenbone-community-edition_redis-server_1
a21f9cb95750   greenbone/gsa:stable            "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   2 weeks ago   Up About an hour>80/tcp     greenbone-community-edition_gsa_1
e2a313599dc3   greenbone/gvmd:stable           "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   2 weeks ago   Up About an hour                            greenbone-community-edition_gvmd_1
f8a56679e7c0   greenbone/ospd-openvas:stable   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   2 weeks ago   Up 56 minutes                               greenbone-community-edition_ospd-openvas_1
d968d9a3e59e   greenbone/pg-gvm:stable         "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   2 weeks ago   Up About an hour                            greenbone-community-edition_pg-gvm_1

Anyone having that issue in the past ?


Hi @mserneels and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I’m not sure why this is happening but giving your post a bump to see if anyone has seen this.

Hi @mserneels,

I’m not familiar with the problem you’re experiencing - but have you checked the logs as described in the official docs? https://greenbone.github.io/docs/latest/22.4/container/index.html#starting-the-greenbone-community-containers

The command should be the following (you might have to adjust it according to your environment):

docker-compose -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/docker-compose.yml -p greenbone-community-edition logs -f

Hope this helps & good luck!


Hello @David.N ,

Yes I was checking the logs when this happened, and nothing meaningful was popping.
I had some scan jobs running, only those were being shown in the logs…

I’ll keep checking in case that happens again (it didn’t happen since the post, so it might have been a temp. issue; i don’t know).

Thanks anyhow for the tips !
