Custom scan configuration

Hi, I am trying to scan a subnet with system discovery but I want to customize it and be able to detect information about the OS of the host and nothing else. Is there any way of doing that?

Thanks in advance!

You can clone the “System Discovery” scan config (using the “Sheep” clone icon at the far right of the “System Discovery” item in the Scan config page.

Once you clone it you can limit the scans that are included by editing the cloned config and looking at the column that shows how many tests are enabled from each “Family”. For those with tests enabled, you can use edit the Family and remove unwanted tests.


yes this is worked, thank you very much!

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One additional possibility could be also to clone the existing Base config and just add the following VT to it:

  • Name: OS Detection Consolidation and Reporting
  • OID:
  • Family: Product detection

This should pull in all VTs doing some kind of OS detection (if the auto_enable_dependencies scanner preference is kept on yes) while keeping other logging / reporting at the minimum required.


Yes, this is in fact a faster path to the desired configuration. :+1:

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