Credential download packages zero byte


I’m using community containers (22.4.0) on a new server (ubuntu 22.04). I had created a user + sshkey credential, but the deb file is always 0 byte, (all other types and public key are all at 0 byte). I tried username+password too, windows package is 0 byte.

Any idea?

For the .deb based packages the following recent fix might improve the creation:


I was able to reproduce the behavior on the Greenbone Community Containers with all downloadable credential formats except “Public Key”.

As @cfi writes, the issue with the Debian (.deb) file has already been fixed. The fix should arrive with the next update of the Greenbone Community Containers.

For the issues with the RPM and Windows Executable files I have raised an internal issue to hopefully get this fixed, but I can’t make any guarantees or provide a timeline right now. If we fix the issue, we’ll post an update in this topic!

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Thank yo very much for your quick replies. I’ll be very happy to pull latest version!

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We have fixed the RPM and Windows Executable credential installers on the Greenbone Community Containers in the meanwhile. With the latest version, the problem should no longer occur.