Couldn't initialize the plugin scheduler

sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: gb_disk_pulse_enterprise_server_detect.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: os_detection.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: os_fingerprint.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: gb_nagios_xi_http_detect.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: gb_php_http_detect.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: sw_apcu_info.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: gb_php_http_detect.nasl (
sd main:MESSAGE:2023-12-13 19h47.01 utc:11954:04828baa-17ed-496f-b1a0-acc74fad6868: Couldn’t initialize the plugin scheduler

Error when running new scan. Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve. Seemed to happen after updating feeds.

Previous posts about this error indicate missing .nasl files. Maybe you can check that the last one run gb_php_http_detect.nasl exists. .nasl files are stored in the /var/lib/openvas/plugins/ directory and its subdirectories.

Hello and welcome to this community forum.

This has been already solved yesterday evening. Please re-run a feed update to receive the new feed from today and the message should be gone. :+1: