Can't generate PDF Report

Hi All,

I downloaded and am running Greenbone Security Manager community edition on Greenbone OS 4.2.19. I can’t generate PDF reports, I have read around on the interwebs and see that the guys either have to install extra software that isn’t there by default or capture the files that are generated for them to then place them in another folder for the process to continue. But, this is all done on other version of an underlying OS and the Greenbone OS doesn’t allow me access to the underlying OS in order to carry out these fixes they recommend.

Is there anyway to fix this? Would really like to start pulling reports to show my boss how much overtime I’m actually working. And he won’t understand a xml :-/



PDF is a default report format within the community edition. Just select PDF as report format.

Please check the minimum requirements of the community edition.

Thanks Lukas.

I have already set it as the default report type.

It doesn’t generate. The page stays refreshing for literally hours, and no report is made available or downloadable.

May i ask how many results are withing the report ?

What about filtering and trying to generate a smaller PDF Report from e.g. a single host or CVE, to see that PDF is working.

So immediately after posting, I hit the download button in the GSM, still waiting.

Current result is 13000. I have tried on a singl host as well with only around 150 issues and have the same result.

I haven’t tried with less to be honest. I’ll try with my pc which has two info’s and see if it works.

Ok, my report generates. Takes a bit of time. 3 mins. But it generated.

Do you think it could be because my session is timing out? Is there a way I can increase the length of my session to allow me to get my main report out?

Now I see why the report is so big… Any way of only getting the high level? and not information regarding the vulnerability too?

It is possible to combine a powerfilter with the report creation. This allows (almost) arbitrary selections.

Thanks, will hunt around and figure out how to do it.