Cannot create user from GSA web interface

Hi i’ve done build from the source refer to
Greenbone Community Documentation

Afterall its running normal except for creating user from gsa web interface, not response when i click “save” button.

I am able to create user using command gvmd --create-user=

is there any specific logs who record the activity? tried to search in /var/log/gvmd.log not found

tried to call gsad functions, reply with this. Is it the cause?
(gsad:1361489): libgvm base-CRITICAL **: 09:11:34.039: pidfile_create: failed to open pidfile: Permission denied
(gsad:1361489): gsad main-CRITICAL **: 09:11:34.040: main: Could not write PID file.
(gsad:1361490): libgvm base-CRITICAL **: 09:11:34.040: pidfile_create: failed to open pidfile: Permission denied
(gsad:1361490): gsad main-CRITICAL **: 09:11:34.040: main: Could not write PID file.

gvmd version 22.5.3
gsad version 22.5.1

thank youu

I’m having the same issues with my container builds. It seems to have started with GSA 22.5.0.

Everything else works great, but when you click the “save” button, nothing happens. No log entries, nothing.


is the the log level in the /etc/gvm/gsad_log.conf file from 127 to 128 and see if more DEBUG logs are created?

I set all gsad loglevel statements to 128 and there are still no log entries upon clicking the “save” button.

gsad.log (323.5 KB)

If there is absolutely no indication in the log files, perhaps will need to have some debugging added to the source code to identify where this has gone wrong. Just my guess - full disclosure - I’m totally new to the GBCE source code. - Unless someone can swoop in the save the day as usually :wink:

Looks like this is already resolved in a future release:


Should be fixed with GSA 22.5.1 and later