Bulk Tagging

Tags help to organize the vulnerability management views and processes.

GOS 5 introduces the support of tagging many objects with a single action, we call this “bulk tagging”. Basically we extend the already existing bulk action functionality that was already capable for example
to delete or export a filtered selection. Bulk tagging is more than a simple action, it involves a interactive step to select or define a tag to be applied.

The following use case is about tagging a special sub-network of host assets in order to mark where they are located in the corporate network. 29 objects are tagged with a single action in this example via “All Filtered”.

Now that I have the hosts tagged I create a named filter and use it in my Dashboard for London:

Prior to GOS 5 it was necessary to tag each host manually, or to apply a small GMP script to do the job.

Internal feature code: FS-171227-1841.

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