Boreas get_source_addr_v6: connect() on udpv6soc failed: Network is unreachable 101

Hi there,

I’m scanning a target through its domain name, which resolves to two IP addresses: one is IPv4, and the other is IPv6. The scanner can’t connect to the IPv6 address. The following error occurred, and the task was interrupted after that.

sd   main:MESSAGE:2024-04-23 16h58.05 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: openvas 23.0.1 started
sd   main:MESSAGE:2024-04-23 16h58.05 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: attack_network_init: INIT MQTT: SUCCESS
sd   main:MESSAGE:2024-04-23 16h58.16 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: Vulnerability scan 6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23 started: Target has 2 hosts: X, with max_hosts = 7 and max_checks = 4
libgvm boreas:MESSAGE:2024-04-23 16h58.16 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: Alive scan 6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23 started: Target has 2 hosts
libgvm boreas:WARNING:2024-04-23 16h58.17 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: send_icmp_v6: sendto(): Network is unreachable
libgvm boreas:WARNING:2024-04-23 16h58.17 utc:3827:6cfbc665-8b53-4cf0-9839-b229fa7c7c23: get_source_addr_v6: connect() on udpv6soc failed: Network is unreachable 101

I build the GVM components from the latest git source code.

From a short look the message sounds more that the scanner host (not the scanner itself) doesn’t have a route to the target IPv6 network in question.

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Hi @cfi ,

The scanner host can’t connect to the IPv6, then the scanner can’t, right?

The problem is that the scanner can connect to the IPv4, then it should scan the IPv4 instead of got interrupted?

Unfortunately i don’t have any insights on the expected outcome here so i’m not able to answer this question.

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How can do you that if the target is a net range or a IPv6 address ? On a hostname both should be tried. But udpv6soc failed means critical connectivity issues on your scanner.

Hi there,

The domain name resolved to 2 IP addresses as I said, boreas report that there are 2 hosts, then the two hosts are scanned. But when the scanner failed to connect to the IPv6, then the whole task got interrupted.

Wrongly host count · Issue #40 · greenbone/boreas (