Automation problems with python-gvm

Hi, I’m trying to automate the vulnerability scanner with python-gvm. Unfortunately my reports only contain logs whereas when I scan the same machine with the Greenbone Enterprise Free Trial VM I get much better results with High, Medium, Low criticality. On my machine I’ve installed the GVM from source.

Can you help me find a solution to my problem?

I’m sorry to put the code like this, but I’ve been looking for a solution for several months and I can’t find it.

Here is my code :

def create_report(tname, report_id, gmp, path):
    # Get the current datetime
    time1 =

# Format the datetime as a string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM'
    timestamp = time1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M')

    # Set the filename of the PDF report to be created
    # It will be in the format 'tname-YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM.pdf'
    pdf_filename = path + "/" + tname + "-" + timestamp + ".pdf"

    # Set the ID of the report format to be used
    pdf_report_format_id = "c402cc3e-b531-11e1-9163-406186ea4fc5"

    # Get the report from the Greenbone Management Protocol
    # The report is returned as an XML string
    response = gmp.get_report(report_id=report_id,

    # Parse the XML string into an ElementTree object
    response = ET.fromstring(response)

    # Find the 'report' element in the XML
    report_element = response.find("report")

    # Get the content of the report
    # This is the base64 encoded PDF data
    content = report_element.find("report_format").tail

    # Encode the content as ASCII
    binary_base64_encoded_pdf = content.encode('ascii')

    # Decode the base64 encoded PDF data
    binary_pdf = b64decode(binary_base64_encoded_pdf)

    # Set the full path of the PDF file to be created
    pdf_path = Path(pdf_filename).expanduser()

    # Check if the PDF file already exists
    if os.path.isfile(pdf_path):
        print("PDF Already Exist")
        # Write the decoded PDF data to a file
        print("PDF: " + pdf_filename + " created")

        # Return the filename of the created PDF
        return pdf_filename

def openvas_scan(ip_address, path):
    # Print a message indicating that the function is starting
    print("Starting use of GVM Openvas")

    # Establish a connection to the GVM Openvas server
    connection = UnixSocketConnection(path="/run/gvmd/gvmd.sock")

    # Create a Gmp object and authenticate with the server
    with (Gmp(connection=connection) as gmp):
        gmp.authenticate("*****", "******")

        # Print a message indicating that existing targets, tasks, and reports will be deleted
        print("OpenVAS : Deleting existing Targets, Tasks and Reports")

        # Get a list of all targets and delete them
        targets_xml = gmp.get_targets()
        root = ET.fromstring(targets_xml)
        target_ids = [target.get('id') for target in root.findall('.//target')]
        for target_id in target_ids:
            gmp.delete_target(target_id, ultimate=True)

        # Get a list of all tasks and delete them
        tasks_xml = gmp.get_tasks()
        root = ET.fromstring(tasks_xml)
        tasks_ids = [task.get('id') for task in root.findall('.//task')]
        for task_id in tasks_ids:
            gmp.delete_task(task_id, ultimate=True)

        # Get a list of all reports and delete them
        reports_xml = gmp.get_reports()
        root = ET.fromstring(reports_xml)
        report_ids = [report.get('id') for report in root.findall('.//report')]
        for report_id in report_ids:

        # Pause execution for 1 second

        # Print a message indicating that a new target will be created
        print("OpenVAS : Creating Target")

        # Set the name and hosts of the new target
        target_name = "Target-" + ip_address
        target_hosts = [ip_address]

        # Set the ID of the port list to be used
        port_list_id = "730ef368-57e2-11e1-a90f-406186ea4fc5"

        # Create the new target
        target = gmp.create_target(name=target_name, hosts=target_hosts, port_list_id=port_list_id)
        print("Target created", target)

        # Get a list of all targets and extract their IDs
        targets_xml = gmp.get_targets()
        root = ET.fromstring(targets_xml)
        target_ids = [target.get('id') for target in root.findall('.//target')]

        # Print a message indicating that a new task will be created
        print("OpenVAS : Creating Task")

        # Set the ID of the target and scanner to be used
        target_id = target_ids[0]
        scanner_id = "08b69003-5fc2-4037-a479-93b440211c73"

        # Get a list of all scan configurations
        configs_xml = gmp.get_scan_configs()
        root = ET.fromstring(configs_xml)
        config_ids = [config.get('id') for config in root.findall('.//config')]
        config_names = [config.find('name').text for config in root.findall('.//config')]

        # Print a list of the available configurations and prompt the user to choose one
        print("Choose one of the following configurations: ")
        i = 0
        for conf_id in config_ids:
            print(i, "-", config_names[i], conf_id)
            i += 1
        config_choice = input("-> ")
        config_id = config_ids[int(config_choice)]

        # Create the new task
        task = gmp.create_task(name="GVM_OpenVAS", config_id=config_id, target_id=target_id, scanner_id=scanner_id)
        print("Task created", task)

        # Get a list of all tasks and extract their IDs
        tasks_xml = gmp.get_tasks()
        root = ET.fromstring(tasks_xml)
        task_ids = [task.get('id') for task in root.findall('.//task')]
        task_id = task_ids[0]

        # Start the task
        sys.stdout.write("OpenVAS : Starting Openvas scan")

        # Print the status of the task until it is complete
        prev_status = ''
        while True:
            task = gmp.get_task(task_id)
            root = ET.fromstring(task)
            task_element = root.find(".//task")
            if task_element is not None:
                status_element = task_element.find("status")
                if status_element.text != prev_status:
                    sys.stdout.write("\rOpenVAS Task Status = " + status_element.text)
                    prev_status = status_element.text
                if status_element is not None and status_element.text in ["Done", "Stopped", "Aborted"]:
        sys.stdout.write("\rOpenVAS : Creating Report")

        # Get a list of all reports and extract their IDs
        reports_xml = gmp.get_reports()
        root = ET.fromstring(reports_xml)
        report_ids = [report.get('id') for report in root.findall('.//report')]

        # Create a PDF report
        create_report("GVM_OpenVAS", report_ids[0], gmp, path)

Ok so it figure out that I have the “no severity - Only 0.0” issue.

All the topics are talking about modifying a Scan Config clone of Full And Fast and enabling the Port Scanner line. But while I’m working without the web interface, do you know how can I do the modification ?


just a small hint about your code. You should use a EtreeCheckCommandTransform when creating the GMP object

with Gmp(connection=connection, transform=EtreeCheckCommandTransform()) as gmp:

By using this transform the commands return already etree objects

root = gmp.get_targets()

Also if os.path.isfile(pdf_path): should be changed to pdf_path.is_file()

Next every create command should return the uuid of the created entity. For example the XML response of create_target returns the uuid of the created target, which then can be used to get the full details of the target via gmp.get_target(uuid).

Thank you for your answer and for your hints.

It appear that after I did

sudo gvmd --rebuild
sudo gvmd --rebuild-gvmd-data=all

it works fine.

So it might be one solution

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