A report from two or more servers


I need to get a single report of all the servers that I have analyzed by GVM, my need is that they are all in a single PDF document and also to export a report of the most critical vulnerabilities and that this tells me which servers are, all this from a report.

Thanks team

Greenbone can currently only create reports for a single scan task. If you put all those targets into a single scan task, you can build the report you are looking for.

I havn´t used it by myself, but a container task might help if you need/have different scan tasks. There is a script to combine reports which might work for you.


@brom99 Thanks for pointing this out! I was thinking there must be some way to manually merge the XML from multipe reports, but did not find the import_report() function in my brief search. Also cool to see there is already a script in gvm-tools. :+1:

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