24-year-old bug in the Linux Kernel might impact you rsync

Hi all,

we notices that some of you had issues with syncing the community-feed via rsync some parallel investigations shows an very interesting article about this that might describe the bug as well.

This ONLY impact the GCF (Greenbone appliances and GSF are not impacted by that bug).


As result we at Greenbone updated all Kernels at our community feed servers, but you need to update your Linux-Kernel to a fixed version to avoid that your connection got stuck as well.

If a connection got stuck you can´t sync with a additional connection due to that kernel bug. So if you have rsync issues please check that that BUG is fixed with your Linux Kernel.

The Mainline Kernel 5.10-rc1 or bigger as well actual 4.19 Kernel (Debian 4.9.241 / 4.19.153) are fixing that bug. If not the patch is linked in the article below.

Happy scanning …