Unable to access web interface externally

It might be possible that you need to do additional steps before these changes applies.

As this doesn’t look something Greenbone software specific the following suggestion still applies:

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I tried to put my question in Kali forum but my thread never gets posted…

I come by again on this thread as I might found something and maybe other people have the same issue.
I noticed that if I manually edit (with nano) /lib/systemd/system/greenbone-security-assistant.service, everything works correctly and I am able to access GVM externally.
But, if I use command:
sudo sed -i"" ‘s/’ /lib/systemd/system/greenbone-security-assistant.service
which is supposed to do the same thing, then access is impossible.
I dig a bit further and found that by default, file greenbone-security-assistant.service is a symlink to gsad. service. After the “sed” command, this symlink is broken.
Now, the question goes to: Do you know why “sed” is braking the link and is there a way to avoid it (except from editing manually?

Thanks a lot for posting the additional info / the source of this problem.

As the initial question has been solved and the problem has been identified as not being Greenbone software specific i would suggest to:

  1. Mark this topic as solved
  2. Forward the additional question to a Linux support community which can explain such Linux / sed specific behavior in more detail

After a google search I found out that command “sed -i” breaks the symlinks because the way it works.
In order to avoid it the flag --follow-symlinks has to be used. So, the complete command is:
sudo sed -i"" --follow-symlinks ‘s/’ /lib/systemd/system/greenbone-security-assistant.service

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