Scan is only finding ICMP Timestamp

It sounds like the issue is likely some other problem reaching the host such as a firewall, or if DoS attacks are enabled in your scan config, then possibly something like Windows Defender is terminating connections? :thinking: I would do an nmap scan of the same host to see which services are reachable with that tool.

nmap -sV <host-ip>

If you can see the services with nmap then there is likely a problem with how your scan is configured in GVM. You could also try the more simple Service Detection scan configuration in a task. It will be similar to the above nmap scan and just detect services - not look for vulns or attack.

Here is a post on how to enable NVT logs which you say you have already done but you may have to also add log_whole_attack = yes in the /etc/openvas/openvas.conf file.

From there you would have to parse the log file. I quickly came up with this but I’m not sure if its the best catch-all for parsing the logs:

sudo tail -1000 /var/log/gvm/openvas.log | grep .nasl

If you don’t understand what is happening with this command I can suggest dumping it into CatGPT. It offers fairly straightforward dissection of bash commands. Although not always perfect, this one should be on its level.

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