Not able to create admin account - gvm-start not running due to several errors in KALI LINUX

Still having the same issue. Fresh kali install using postgresql 12 ( never had 11 installed) and the aforementioned command returns no errors and doesn’t create said user.

From the GVMD log

md main:MESSAGE:2020-08-24 10h49.27 utc:286525: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager version 9.0.1 (DB revision 221)
md manage: INFO:2020-08-24 10h49.27 utc:286525: Creating user.
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.27 utc:286525: sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter “lvl”
HINT: Use DROP FUNCTION level_max_severity(text,text) first.
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.27 utc:286525: sql_exec_internal: SQL: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION level_max_severity (text, text) RETURNS double precision AS ‘/usr/lib/libgvm-pg-server’, ‘sql_level_max_severity’ LANGUAGE C;
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.27 utc:286525: sqlv: sql_exec_internal failed
md main:MESSAGE:2020-08-24 10h49.37 utc:286527: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager version 9.0.1 (DB revision 221)
md manage: INFO:2020-08-24 10h49.37 utc:286527: Getting users.
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.37 utc:286527: sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter “lvl”
HINT: Use DROP FUNCTION level_max_severity(text,text) first.
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.37 utc:286527: sql_exec_internal: SQL: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION level_max_severity (text, text) RETURNS double precision AS ‘/usr/lib/libgvm-pg-server’, ‘sql_level_max_severity’ LANGUAGE C;
md manage:WARNING:2020-08-24 10h49.37 utc:286527: sqlv: sql_exec_internal failed


any other thoughts ?

PLEASE get back to the Kali Maintainer, open a case there, here is nothing we can do or support.

The GSE (Greenbone Source Edition) is for self-compiling from our OpenSource GIT repository.
If someone build a broken or not working binary packet, Greenbone is NOT responsible and can do NOTHING about it. It is the fundermatal nature of free software to give the user freedom, even ship broken or not working packets like Kali is doing again and again.

Compile it on your own self, or use a Greenbone Community Edition that are your only two options that are supported here.

I am really not sure if this is an error with the setup on Kali Linux or if it is some mistake in our db code. I’ll try to check that.

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@Japher did you start from scratch or did you migrate your setup and data from GVM/OpenVAS 9? Currently we think this could be a migration issue.

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This means that the existing database is from a 20.08 install. Best thing would be to make sure you remove that existing db.


Please somebody help me i’m new with this tool when i tried to run gvm. i’m not getting any password
password: blank

[>] Creating database
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
createuser: error: creation of new role failed: ERROR: role “_gvm” already exists
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
createdb: error: database creation failed: ERROR: database “gvmd” already exists
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
ERROR: role “dba” already exists
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
NOTICE: role “_gvm” is already a member of role “dba”
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
ERROR: extension “uuid-ossp” already exists

When I install the new version openvas,create user maybe failed.
gvmd --create-user=cd --password=pwd --role=Admin
gvmd --users
but not show anything.

You need to take a look at the gvmd.log file for possible errors and problems. It is very likely that your database setup has an issue.

thanks for your reply

sudo runuser -u _gvm – gvmd --create-user=Admin --new-password=12345

Hi Panos, What’s symbol after gvm (Before gvmd)? I cannot figure it out. Sorry about the silly question.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Hi All,
I was facing the error of invalid user or password with web ui.
And you can run fallowing command to create a new user in Openvas 11.
sudo runuser -u _gvm – gvmd --create-user=username
It worked for me.


What’s the symbol between gvm and gvmd? Trying to find it on the keyboard.


‘-’ is the symbol and it is two times

I tried it and it says, runuser: unregcognized option ‘–gvmd’.

For the records, the forum supports code / preformatted text by adding three back ticks (`) before and after the text so that symbols like -- are not accidentially changed to –

That one should be the correct command, if unsure please ask at the Kali forums how the command (especially the user) should look like on Kali.

sudo runuser -u _gvm -- gvmd --create-user=Admin --new-password=12345

I’m using Kali 2020.2 and did the following commands:

apt install gvm
cd /usr/bin/
sudo su
gvm start

It worked fine, but after the first reboot, the system was not working anymore. I figured out, that redis-server was the problem. So, I started redis-server first and did gvm-start after that.

To start redis server do this:

systemctl start redis-server

Please watch for errors after running gvm-start. I my case gsa was not running properly.

To be honest, I switched back to my install with GVM-20.08 on an Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS. It is more stable and is running without problems:

Here is a FIX for Kali 2020.3 user problem!! I spent 2 days trying to achieve this!!
To create the user(double hyphen, beware the spaces):

sudo runuser -u _gvm -- gvmd --create-user=USER

For the password(double hyphen, beware the spaces):

sudo runuser -u _gvm -- gvmd --user=USER --new-password=PASSWORD

Thanks for posting this information about this special command required on Kali.

It seems that the forums somehow changing -- to if the code isn’t put into three ` before and after the code itself. I have fixed that in your post so others are not stumbling over the same issue when just doing a copy’n’paste of the commands.


The problem is with Kali. Solution that worked for me, several times:
upgrade kali distro
pg_dropcluster - completely delete a PostgreSQL cluster (the unnecessary version, Ex. 11)
update - upgrade
In config file of the PostgreSQL 13, change the port to 5432 (most likely the port in the config file will be 5433, google it why)
check what is running on port 5432. If smth wrong: restart posgresql service.

Try gvm-setup and you should see the user and the password.

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There seems to be now an open issue about that topic at the Kali bugtracker here:

Please add any additional information there so the Kali package maintainers receive your feedback and can improve the packages.

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