Custom VTs on Community Containers

Thanks for the response!

I was hoping that someone has done this before and has a method of developing/testing using the community containers. Maybe someone will still pop in with a solution that has been tested :slight_smile: .

I’ll run my responses in reverse a little…

The rm -rf "${MOUNT_PATH}/"* command is in the contents of the VT container’s /bin/
Full contents:

set -e

rm -f "${STATE_FILE}"


if [ -e "${license_file}" ]; then
    cat "${license_file}"

echo -n -e "\nCopying vulnerability tests data... "

if [ -d "${MOUNT_PATH}" ]; then
    rm -rf "${MOUNT_PATH}/"*
    cp -r "${STORAGE_PATH}/"* "${MOUNT_PATH}"

    state_dir=$(dirname ${STATE_FILE})
    mkdir -p "${state_dir}"
    touch "${STATE_FILE}"

    echo "files copied."
    echo "nothing to do."

if [ -n "${KEEP_ALIVE}" ]; then
    sleep infinity

The recommendation to put the VTs in a plugins/public folder was from below, but is obviously not related to the community containers, in hindsight:

Also in hindsight, that link suggests to put it in a folder called ‘private’, not public. Private is what I tried, despite what I posted above.

I thought the same thing as you - dropping files in the mountpoint, and I see the same challenge in running the upload each time the VTs are downloaded.

The options I can see right now, are:

  1. To create another container that runs a copy function after the VTs are downloaded. The issue there, however, is that the VT container seems to trigger something with a state file line in the VTs, that I assume kicks off the import to ospd-openvas / pg:
touch "${STATE_FILE}"
  1. The most elegent solution I can come up with (without coming up with a hack using wrapper scripts, inotify, or some other wizardy) is to submit a pull request to the VTs container that allows for a custom VTs mount.