Only one hostname in CSV report

We are using the built-in CSV report format.
Some of our assets have multiple hostnames, but the report only shows up with one of them when created as a csv.
It is showing correct in the web Gui
for instance this will show in the web gui:
IP: Hostname: server01 Vulnerability: SSL/TLS expired
IP: Hostname: server02 Vulnerability: SSL/TLS expired
but in the csv report it will randomly choose one hostname.
IP: Hostname: server01 Vulnerability: SSL/TLS expired
IP: Hostname: server01 Vulnerability: SSL/TLS expired
the only way to tell it is different is by checking the result ID.
In our environment this creates some confusion, is it possible to make the CVS-report include the uniqe hostnames?
I see that this has been asked earlier:

Hostname value is different in CSV and XML scan report - Archive / Greenbone Community Edition - Greenbone Community Forum
but there was no answear to this.