Latest stable GVM dont find vulnerabilities


I have the host in my network, which is specially configured to be vulnerable to EthernalBlue (MS17-010). Thereby plugin Microsoft Windows SMB Server Multiple Vulnerabilities-Remote (4013389) should find this issue.

I use last stable versions. gsad 8.0.1. gvmd 8.0.1. openvassd 6.0.1. gvm-libs 10.0.1.
Also i compare results with version 9.

So i scan with full and very deep ultimate scan config. And my GVM-10 finds only mediocre staff like os detection, ping, hostname (severity = 0). Meanwhile GVM-9 finds MS17-010 with appropriate remote check nvt plugin.

MS17-010 is an example. Scan result differ a lot at all.

There are no any special information in log files. What may i do wrong?

Expected behavior

Find vulnerabilites

Current behavior

Dont find vulnerabilities


Installation method / source: (packages, source installation)
Build from release tar.gz archives inside Dockerfile from debian:9.5
Btw, i build with postgres backend.
Attach truncated Dockerfile:

FROM debian:9.5


RUN mkdir /openvas

## GVM libs
WORKDIR /openvas
RUN wget -O gvm-libs-10.0.1.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf gvm-libs-10.0.1.tar.gz
WORKDIR /openvas/gvm-libs-10.0.1
RUN mkdir build
WORKDIR /openvas/gvm-libs-10.0.1/build
RUN cmake ..
RUN make
RUN make install

## OpenVAS Scanner
#### 1
WORKDIR /openvas
RUN wget -O openvas-6.0.1.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf openvas-6.0.1.tar.gz
WORKDIR /openvas/openvas-6.0.1
RUN mkdir build
WORKDIR /openvas/openvas-6.0.1/build
RUN cmake ..
RUN make
RUN make install
#### 2 update nvt
# RUN greenbone-nvt-sync
#### 3 redis
RUN cp doc/redis_config_examples/redis_3_2.conf /etc/redis/openvas_redis_3_2.conf

## Manager
#### install
WORKDIR /openvas
RUN wget -O gvmd-8.0.1.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf gvmd-8.0.1.tar.gz
WORKDIR /openvas/gvmd-8.0.1
WORKDIR /openvas/gvmd-8.0.1/build
RUN make
RUN make install

## GSA
RUN wget -O gsa-8.0.1.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf gsa-8.0.1.tar.gz
WORKDIR /openvas/gsa-8.0.1
RUN mkdir build
WORKDIR /openvas/gsa-8.0.1/build
RUN cmake ..
RUN make
RUN make install


# ldconfig because gvmd cant find gvm lib in /usr/local/bin. But folder included in
RUN ldconfig 

# run
ADD ./ /
RUN chmod +x /
CMD bash /

And truncated content:


## --------------- ##
## openvas scanner ##
## --------------- ##

# redis

echo "Start Redis."
redis-server /etc/redis/openvas_redis_3_2.conf

echo "Testing redis status..."
X="$(redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock ping)"
while  [ "${X}" != "PONG" ]; do
        echo "Redis not yet ready..."
        sleep 1
        X="$(redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock ping)"
echo "Redis ready."

# openvas scanner itself

echo "Start openvassd: Scanner."
echo "Testing gvm status..."
sleep 2
X="$(ps aufx | grep openvassd | grep -v 'grep')"
while  [ "${#X}" == 0 ]; do
        echo "openvassd not yet ready..."
        sleep 2
        X="$(ps aufx | grep openvassd | grep -v 'grep')"
echo "openvassd ready."

## ------- ##
## manager ##
## ------- ##

echo "Start postgresql."
/etc/init.d/postgresql start

## init postgresql user
if [[ $DONT_INIT_PSQL_USER_ != "y" ]]; then 
    echo "Creating postgres user."
    sudo -u postgres createuser -DRS root
    sudo -u postgres createdb -O root gvmd
    sudo -u postgres psql gvmd -c "create role dba with superuser noinherit;"
    sudo -u postgres psql gvmd -c "grant dba to root;"
    sudo -u postgres psql gvmd -c 'create extension "uuid-ossp";'

echo "Start gvmd."
gvmd -a -d gvmd
echo "Testing gvm status..."
sleep 1
X="$(ps | grep gvmd)"
while  [ "${#X}" == 0 ]; do
        echo "gvmd not yet ready..."
        gvmd -a -d gvmd
        sleep 1
        X="$(ps | grep gvmd)"
echo "gvmd ready."

## init openvas user
if [[ $DONT_INIT_OPENVAS_USER_ != "y" ]]; then 
    echo "Creating OpenVAS user."
    X="$(gvmd --create-user=admin)"
    while  [ "${#X}" == 0 ]; do
            echo "user not created yet..."
            sleep 1
            X="$(gvmd --create-user=admin)"
    gvmd --user=admin --new-password=${PASSWD}
    echo "OpenVAS user created."

## --- ##
## gsa ##
## --- ##

echo "Start gsad."
gsad --mlisten -m 9390 --gnutls-priorities=SECURE128:-AES-128-CBC:-CAMELLIA-128-CBC:-VERS-SSL3.0:-VERS-TLS1.0



root@c80371f6d3c0:/openvas# cat /usr/local/var/log/gvm/openvassd.log 
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 14h48.20 utc:1453: openvassd 6.0.1 started
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.37 utc:10267: Starts a new scan. Target(s) : <ipv6_addr>, <ipv4_addr>, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.37 utc:10466: Testing <ipv6_addr> (Vhosts: <host2>) [10466]
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.37 utc:10471: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.37 utc:10471: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.38 utc:10573: Testing <ipv4_addr> (Vhosts: <host2>) [10573]
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.49 utc:13609: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h04.49 utc:13609: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.07 utc:15861: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
lib  misc:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.07 utc:15861: Failed to find interface lo mentioned in /proc/net/route
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.08 utc:10466: Finished testing <ipv6_addr>. Time : 30.50 secs
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.50 utc:10573: Finished testing <ipv4_addr>. Time : 72.00 secs
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.50 utc:10267: Test complete
sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-08-27 15h05.50 utc:10267: Total time to scan all hosts : 75 seconds

GVM versions

  • gsa: 8.0.1
  • gvm: 8.0.1
  • openvas-scanner: 6.0.1
  • gvm-libs: 10.0.1