How to check if feed is syncing or not

Few questions on feed sync.

  1. Is there a command to check if feed is syncing. I do not want to submit the task or ip for scanning when feed is syncing or running.
  2. What if feed is syncing and i submit IP for scan. Will it scan or throws interupted error. ? Can I really submit the task / ip while feed is syncing.

If the feed is syncing, you can’t do the task scan, if you want to check the feed is syncing or not you can check it on feed status on web interface, if it is syncing you will see a banner that alert you can’t scan until the feed finished syncing, and each member of feed will have a column called status, it will have something like “updating…”. And after you sync successfully, it will be display “current” at the status column. My image is my feed, but i synced 2 days ago and i don’t open internet to auto sync

@iamz24 that’s pretty obvious, may be I will rephrase like this,

  • How to programmatically check if feed is syncing or not using gvm-cli
  • And my other question is while we submit a new task during feed sync, does it get queued, or rejected.