Greenbone 22.04 unable to read NVT permission denied

When I run greenbone-nvt-sync for 22.04 I get a few NVT files that cannot be read by openvas.

The files are:

  • openvas/plugins/2019/rails/gb_ruby_on_rails_cve-2019-5418_lfi.nasl
  • openvas/plugins/2015/ubuntu/gb_ubuntu_USN_2782_1.nasl
  • openvas/plugins/2008/gentoo/glsa_200510_17.nasl
  • openvas/plugins/2008/gentoo/glsa_200409_02.nasl

Interestingly these files are readable,
$ ls -l openvas/plugins/2019/rails/gb_ruby_on_rails_cve-2019-5418_lfi.nasl
-rw-rw-r–. 1 gvm gvm 5854 Nov 9 04:32 openvas/plugins/2019/rails/gb_ruby_on_rails_cve-2019-5418_lfi.nasl

but attempts read them as non-root generate:
$ cat openvas/plugins/2019/rails/gb_ruby_on_rails_cve-2019-5418_lfi.nasl
cat: openvas/plugins/2019/rails/gb_ruby_on_rails_cve-2019-5418_lfi.nasl: Operation not permitted

built from source:
component: openvas 22.4.0 - unmodified
OS: Redhat 8.6

Any suggestions since this appears to be an rsync issue.